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A Comprehensive Guide to Unclogging Blocked Drains

Have you ever opened a faucet only to hear the sound of water gushing out? If so, you’ve most likely experienced a blocked drain. click here , for any unfortunate soul that has never had to face this problem it can become a real nightmare. It doesn’t matter whether it is the kitchen sink, bathroom/laundry tub, or shower stalls, when a drain gets clogged, things become really chaotic.

The Reasons Behind Clogged Drains

Blocked drains are generally caused by a build-up of soap, grease, hair, food waste, and even tree roots that can invade your plumbing and cause serious drainage problems over time. The best way to avoid having to deal with clogged drains is to make sure you keep on top of your kitchen and bathroom maintenance. Regularly cleaning the sinks, tubs, drains, and toilets can help prevent build-up and blockages.

When Will You Need Professional Help?

Sometimes, no matter how vigilant you are about maintaining your drains, blockages can still happen. Sometimes, the blockage will be too large or deep down in the pipe for you to reach, which is when you’ll need to contact a professional plumber. A good trained plumber can assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

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Tips & Tricks to Keep Your Drains Clear

The simplest way to unblock a drain is by using a plunger. This tool is designed to create a vacuum-like pressure that pushes the air through the pipe and clears away the blockage. You should also try using baking soda and vinegar to create a powerful cleaning solution. Simply pour a cup of baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar down your clogged drain and wait 15 minutes before pouring boiling water over it.

If you have an outdoor clog, try using a hose to flush out the drain. Start by running hot water down the clogged drain for several minutes before connecting the garden hose to the tap. Then turn the water pressure up as high as it will go. This should remove anything blocking the pipe.

5 DIY Draining Solutions

If you’d like to take a crack at clearing your clogged drain without calling in a professional, then give these 5 DIY draining solutions a try:

  • Pour a half-cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar, then flush it with hot water.
  • Mix one-part baking soda and one-part salt with two parts vinegar. Pour the mixture down the blocked drain and wait for a few hours before flushing with hot water.
  • Boil some water and pour it down the clogged drain. Boiling water may be enough to break-up the blockage.
  • Use a coat hanger or a plumber’s snake in order to get the blockage out manually.
  • Use a natural enzymatic cleaner – these cleaners contain microbial bacteria that eat away organic material clogging up your drain.

Calling a Professional Plumber

If all else fails, you can call a professional plumber to take a look. A plumber will be able to assess the issue and come up with the best solution. While it may cost you a bit more from your pocket, the quality of service you will receive is definitely worth it.

We hope this guide was helpful in giving you some ideas on unblocking your blocked drains. If you ever find yourself in the situation where you have a blocked drain or pipes, try some of the methods mentioned above first before contacting a plumber. If the problem persists then don’t be afraid to call in a professional!