blocked drains medway

Tips and Tricks to Unblock Blocked Drains Medway

Drains can become blocked and clogged in several ways: from hair, soap, dirt and other products that find their way into the drain pipe. blocked drains medway is a common issue when it comes to plumbing, so understanding how to prevent and fix them is essential.

Identify the Problem

When you suspect that your home has blocked drains in Medway, it is important to identify what’s causing it. Depending on the location of the blockage, the cause could be anything from a build-up of grease, food waste and even tree roots. To spot the potential problem, carry out a simple test to check for slow flow of water into the sink or bathtub.

blocked drains medway

Work with Professional Plumbers

As soon as you realise that your home has blocked drains in Medway, it may be best to call a professional plumbing service. Professional plumbers have the tools and the expertise to clear out your drainage system. They can use high-pressure jetting equipment to flush away the debris and also unclog pipes using a drain auger.

Use Drain Cleaners

Drain cleaners are chemical solutions specifically designed to remove blockages and clean pipes. Such products can be bought at most supermarkets and hardware stores. While using such products, ensure that you read the label instructions carefully and wear protective clothing when handling them to avoid nasty burns and other injuries.

DIY Solutions

If you want to try unblocking your drains Medway yourself without a plumber, there are a few DIY options you can explore. Firstly, start by pouring boiling water down the sink. This will help to loosen up any clogs and make the blockage easier to dislodge. For tougher blockages, you could try using a plunger to see if that works.

Remove Tree Roots from Pipes

Tree roots can often be the cause of blocked drains, especially in older homes. If the blockage is caused by a root finding its way into the pipe, then chemicalroot killers can be used to get rid of them. Keep in mind that this method mostly works for small root intrusions and if the roots are too large, then they would need to be dug out manually.

Regular Maintenance

To protect your drainage system from getting clogged in the future, it is advisable that regular maintenance is carried out. This might involve removing any debris trapped in the pipes and checking for leaks or blockages. Additionally, avoid putting fats, oils and wet wipes down the sink as these can accumulate over time and cause major blockages.

With these tips and tricks, you should be able to unblock blocked drains Medway and prevent future blockages. Remember, if all else fails, consult a professional plumber to help you out.

Blocked drains are a common problem for many households across the world. It can be caused by puppy hair, soap scum, general dirt and food debris, or, more seriously, tree roots growing into or around the drain. Whatever the cause, blocked drains are a nuisance and must be dealt with swiftly. If you find yourself experiencing this issue, there are a few ways to tackle it without calling in an expensive plumber. Firstly, you should check the body of the drain to ensure it has not been damaged in anyway. If there’s no damage present, use a plunger, chemical solutions or a plumbing auger to try and dislodge the blockage. If it is a serious issue, it may be wise to call in a professional to investigate further.