
The Best Directors with the Perfect Virtues

You cannot miss the picture of Yalmari Helander “Santa for sale” (Rare Exports). The film is a completely atypical Christmas story, in which elements of a black comedy are combined with fantastic adventures against the backdrop of beautiful Lapland landscapes. The film managed to find success both among the Finnish public and at various international film festivals. And the film “Cool Meeting” (Luokkakokous), released this year, was watched by over 100,000 people in the first week of the show. In the early days, not a single Russian comedy had collected such a number of viewers on the screen. A visit to will open the door for you.

War movies

The war greatly influenced Finnish culture as a whole, including cinema. The most famous film in Finland and familiar to every Finnish is, of course, “Unknown Soldier” (Tuntematon sotilas). Filmed from the novel of the same name by Väinö Lynn, the film by Edwin Layne tells about Finnish soldiers in the Soviet-Finnish war. It is noteworthy that in this 1955 film, soldiers are not idealized, but represented by ordinary people, with all their flaws. The film can be safely considered a classic of the genre.

Films about the war continue to be shot to this day. One of Finland’s most popular films is the film Under the North Star (Täällä Pohjantähden all) directed by Timo Koivusalo. The film, as well as The Unknown Soldier, is based on the books of Vaino Lynn. The film shows very well what sacrifices ordinary people are forced to make because of the war.

Documentary film

Finnish documentaries are shown at many international film festivals, and they are enjoying ever-increasing popularity.

One of the best European documentary filmmakers recognized Pirie Honcasalo. Her films often tell about people in different countries, such as the 2004 picture “Three rooms of Melancholy” ( Melancholia 3 huonetta ) tells about orphans in Russia. Finnish documentary films also touch upon national themes. A good example of this is the 2010 edition of The Steam Room of Life ( Miesten vuoro ). Directors Jonas Berghall and Mika Hotakainen show how different Finnish men tell each other about their lives. All conversations take place in the sauna. The film became very popular in Finland and received a lot of positive reviews.

In addition to the above genres, many other things are filmed in Finland. For example, children’s films, the best example of which are pictures of the world-famous director Klaus Härö. Also, many short films are shot in Finland. There are films that are difficult to classify, for example, the 2006 Finnish-Chinese Warrior of the North ( Jadesoturi ). This film directed by Antti-Jussi Annil combines martial arts, Karelian mythology and, of course, a love story. The plot of the film is based on the national epic of Kalevala, the action occurs either in Finland or in China. The film is a good example of how the traditions of two completely different nations can be combined in cinema.


It totaled $ 1.16 billion in the box office and 140 million tickets. Almost double the 2011 mark, when it earned no more than $ 600,000 and registered 88 million viewers. With that, France returned to third place in the ranking of the largest producer of films in the world, behind only the United States and India. In 2012 alone, 279 films were produced. Of these, 40 were distributed in other countries. On average, French films reach an annual audience of 200 million viewers worldwide, of which only 90 million in France.