
Movies You Would Die to Watch

The adventure film is an entertainment: it seeks to disorient the viewer, which he snatches from everyday life by precipitating him into a distant, exotic land, or a bygone era. From gomovies   you can find the best results now.


Action has a predominant role in the adventure film. The dynamism of events and the pleasure of escape are at the origin of the success of contemporary films such as the Indiana Jones series, directed by Spielberg (The Adventurers of the Lost Ark, 1981; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, 1984).


A central figure in the genre, the hero is distinguished by his exceptional physical qualities and his ability to act. He can be confronted with the original mythical forest (Tarzan, primitive hero, model of virtue and strength), with the marine elements and the passions which they unleash (Les Révoltés du Bounty, Llyod, 1935; Moby Dick, John Huston , 1956) or appear as a vindicator in a troubled era. The Robin Hood figure has inspired many films, including Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves (Kevin Reynolds, 1991). Most of the characters, in the service of positive values, have an underdeveloped psychology.

The film of cape and sword

This category of adventure films finds its particular inspiration in the romantic literature which evokes a past where the duel settles matters of honor and the balance of power (Alexandre Dumas, Paul Féval). The hero puts himself at the service of justice and defends the oppressed. The reconstruction of the past requires special attention to the sets and costumes.

Representative films:

  • Fanfan la Tulipe (Christian-Jaque, 1952).
  • The Iron Mask (Henri Decoin, 1962).
  • The Three Musketeers, from the novel by Alexandre Dumas, adapted by Henri Diamant-Berger in 1932 and by Richard Leister (The Queen’s Diamonds) in 1974.
  • Le Bossu, based on the novel by Paul Féval, adapted by Jean Delannoy in 1944 and by other directors in 1914, 1925, 1934, 1959
  • An example: The Hunchback, Film directed by Philippe de Broca in 1997

A modern take on the genre

Lagardère, one of the best blades in the kingdom, provokes the Duke of Nevers with the sole aim of discovering the famous “boot 1 of Nevers” and loses. But the latter, amused by his audacity, takes him in friendship and asks him to accompany him to Caylus where Blanche resides, the woman he loves and who has just given him a child, Aurore. Nevers is treacherously killed by his cousin Gonzague. But Lagardère saves the child and swears to avenge his friend. Years later, he returns to Gonzague’s entourage under the disguise of a hunchback.

The director’s testimony

Jean Cosmos and JérômeTonnerre dialogists wanted to respect the initial framework too much for my taste. Me, I want to have fun first so that the spectators can have fun then. You have to put a little frivolity in all this: the cape and sword style is a cheerful vision of life. And then, I think you have to know how to be unfaithful to be truly respectful. I like the freedom of period films, because I like to make people dream, and the historical reconstruction is for me a springboard of the imagination.